Collaborate with suppliers to enhance corporate social responsibility.


To promote the balance and sustainable development of economic, social, health and safety, and environmental ecology with partner suppliers, the following regulations are established:
l Health and Safety
Suppliers should recognize that a safe and healthy working environment contributes to improving the quality of products and services, production consistency, employee stability, and morale. Suppliers should acknowledge that ongoing employee engagement in education and training is key to identifying and addressing workplace health and safety issues

  • Occupational Safety:Suppliers should provide standard operating procedures, preventive maintenance, and protective devices to reduce workplace safety risks. If the risks cannot be controlled through these measures, suppliers should provide workers with appropriate personal protective equipment.
  •  Industrial Hygiene:Suppliers should identify, assess, and control risks to workers exposed to hazardous chemicals, biological agents, and physical factors.
  •  Worker Health and Safety Compliance:Suppliers are committed to unconditionally complying with occupational health and safety regulations and relevant legal requirements.

Suppliers must recognize that environmental responsibility is closely linked to the production of world-class products. During the manufacturing process, suppliers should minimize adverse impacts on society, the environment, and natural resources while safeguarding public health and safety.

    1. Management and Restriction of Hazardous Substances :Suppliers must comply with all relevant laws regarding the prohibition or restriction of specific substances.
    2. Wastewater and Waste Disposal:Wastewater and waste generated during manufacturing or production processes must be monitored and treated according to relevant legal requirements before discharge or disposal.
    3. Air Emissions:Suppliers must classify and monitor air emissions generated during manufacturing or production processes. Emissions must be treated in accordance with environmental protection regulations before being discharged.
    4. Pollution Prevention and Energy Conservation:Suppliers should strive to reduce or eliminate various forms of waste, including water and energy. Energy conservation can be achieved through measures such as optimizing equipment, maintenance, or production processes, as well as through recycling, reusing, or substituting materials.

lLabor Rights and Human Rights
Suppliers must respect workers' human rights and treat them in a manner recognized by the international community to ensure they are treated with dignity and respect.

    1. Anti-Discrimination:Suppliers must not discriminate against workers in recruitment, promotion, rewards, training opportunities, work assignments, wages, benefits, discipline, termination, or retirement based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, or marital status. Suppliers must not require women to take pregnancy tests or discriminate against pregnant workers unless required by local laws or regulations. Furthermore, suppliers must not require workers or potential workers to undergo discriminatory drug tests unless mandated by local laws or for ensuring workplace safety.
    2. Working Hours:Except in emergencies or exceptional circumstances, suppliers must comply with the legal requirements of the workers' location regarding maximum weekly working hours (including overtime) and the rights to rest and leave (including personal and holiday leave).
    3. Voluntary Labor:Suppliers guarantee that all work is voluntary, and workers can terminate their employment with prior notice. Suppliers must not require workers to deposit government-issued identification, passports, or work permits as a condition of employment.
    4. Prohibition of Child Labor:Child labor is strictly prohibited. The definition of child labor shall comply with the laws of the workers' location ("Child" refers to individuals under the age of 15—or 14 where legally permissible—or who have not completed mandatory education, or are below the minimum legal employment age of their location, whichever is higher).
    5. Humane Treatment:Suppliers must commit to maintaining a workplace free from harassment. Suppliers must not threaten or subject workers to harsh or inhumane treatment, including sexual harassment, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuse.
    6. Wages and Benefits:Suppliers must pay workers at least the minimum wage as required by the laws of their location and provide statutory benefits. Overtime work must be compensated according to the applicable legal requirements. Wages must be paid on time, and detailed wage statements must be provided to workers in a timely and clear manner.

l Assessment
The company maintains a robust and comprehensive supply chain system, integrating and assisting suppliers in improving product quality and ensuring compliance with occupational health, safety, and environmental regulations to fulfill corporate social responsibility in safety and environmental protection.

  • For contracted engineering suppliers, management is carried out in accordance with the "2-IS-2-K-001 Contractor Management Procedure." In addition to implementing autonomous safety and health management, providing education and training, organizing safety coordination meetings, and communicating workplace hazards before entry, strict requirements are also enforced for on-site environmental management.
  • According to the "1-AD-2-B-001 Supplier Management Procedure," environmental management and social responsibility assessments are conducted for suppliers and new outsourced processing factories. The assessment items include:

a. Whether the supplier holds certifications such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System), and SA8000 (Social Accountability Certification).
b. Suppliers are evaluated using the "1-AD-4-B-006 Supplier Environmental Management Evaluation Form" and are required to submit supporting documentation, including fixed pollution source operation permits, wastewater discharge permits, toxic substance handling permits, waste disposal/treatment contracts, drinking water inspection reports, and fire safety inspection records, to demonstrate compliance with safety, health, and environmental requirements.
c. Suppliers are evaluated using the "1-AD-4-B-007 Social Responsibility Assessment Form," which includes contractual requirements for major suppliers and contractors to comply with labor laws and relevant human rights regulations. These include prohibitions on child labor and forced labor, ensuring health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining rights, and non-discrimination. If violations of corporate social responsibility policies are identified, particularly those with significant environmental or social impact, the company reserves the right to terminate or cancel the contract at any time.

  • Supplier Assessment

a. In the year 2024 , evaluations were conducted on 492 suppliers who had transactions in 2023 (112 in the ROC calendar) to ensure all transaction suppliers passed the supplier assessment and complied with the Supplier Code of Conduct.。
b. In 2024, four new transaction suppliers were selected for on-site audits by the Quality Assurance Supervisor and Equipment Maintenance Supervisor. These audits aimed to verify compliance with standards for product quality, operational environment, occupational health and safety, labor rights, and human rights.

  • Implementation of Sustainable Supply Chain Practices

a. In 2024, the company conducted an ESG-related questionnaire survey with its 10 major suppliers. The questionnaire covered the following topics:

Main content

Waste Management, Water Resource Management, Air Pollution Control, Energy Management, Greenhouse Gas      Emissions.

Occupational Safety and Health, Labor-Employer Relations, Human Rights Policy, Talent Recruitment, Retention and Development, Diversity and Inclusion, Labor-Management Relations.

Customer Service, Innovation, Research and Development, and Patents, Quality Management, Supply Chain Management/Sustainable Supply Chain, Regulatory Compliance/Business Ethics, Information Security/Customer Privacy, Taxation.

The results of the responses were analyzed to identify the key ESG issues of concern to major suppliers, which will serve as the focus for promoting ESG initiatives in the coming years.
Moving forward, we will continue to expand the system's influence to include all suppliers, with the goal of establishing a comprehensive and responsible supply chain system.
b. Number of supplier bribery-related reports: 0 cases.



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